About Me Angelique Crawley

Unconventional Ride The scenic route into tech

Love(s) of my life

The two things that have always been consistent staples in my life are books and technology. No coincidence that both are not only great forms of entertainment, particularly for a shy child, but also the main source of information gathering (a favorite hobby of mine).
I learned to read at just three years old, and a few years later was gifted a computer during an era where PCs were still a rarity. If my nose wasn't pressed between weathered pages, it was inches away from a screen escaping whales in King's Quest or fighting pirates in Monkey Island.
You could say I was destined for nerdhood.

Being the odd man out has never deterred me.

Throughout my life I have often been othered and forced to represent a team of few.

  • During elementary school; a coveted gifted program on the UES, where I learned alongside a sea of elite offspring that didn't look like me, then rode the bus back to the projects.
  • After showing up to my new job at the post office wearing business casual and becoming one of the 3% of women at the station assigned as a 2-ton truck driver.
  • And after finally returning to school for my CS degree, the only one in my program with the demographic trifecta: Black, female, and over-25.
Each time I was faced with unique challenges: starting off without the privilege of finances, natural-born brute strength or carefree living.
Each time I dug my heels in and pushed passed every obstacle towards my goal.

Non Traditional Backgrounds Breed Unconventional Results

With over 20 years of work experience, ranging in industries from retail, customer service, healthcare, public service, and now technology, bringing new perspective to professional spaces comes easily. Being able to bridge my natural determination, innate ability to find broken things to fix, and lifelong interest for all things tech has been a dream come true.